Friday, May 30, 2008


I've successfully made it down to Memphis where I'll be working this summer. I'll be on Summer Staff at SOS in Binghampton for 10 or so weeks before my Academy Internship starts up in late August. I got down here a little early to spend some time catching up with some friends in the area before work starts. SOS is an incredible ministry and I would really encourage anyone interested in hearing a little more about it to either look it up or get in touch with me somehow. I love talking about the work that they've been doing in the community. The first thing I did upon arriving here in Memphis was head to a local BBQ restaurant, Central BBQ, for some BBQ Nachos. Tortilla chips, pulled pork, BBQ sauce, nacho cheese, shredded Cheddar cheese, and jalapenos. Unbelievable. This should be a good summer. Although I worked here last year doing something similar, this year will be a lot different. For a vast majority of the people on staff here this year, this will be their first year. I'm looking forward to being in a leadership position and the opportunity to share with so many new people the vision that SOS has for glorifying Christ here in Memphis.

1 comment:

BK said...

Get your girl J-Ha on the blog roll:

Keep post big guy! Im praying for you.